Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Time Should Have Time for Me Too

Every time you tell somebody how your age-mates, college-mates and friends have succeeded in life while you seem stagnant somebody tells you that it’s “their time” and “your time” will come. But when will that be?

Time is clearly a funny concept that eludes us the more we think about it or wait for it. When you wait for time, the wait feels longer and you tend to race against it, losing more of it.

Time will never care about your plans or wait for you, your dreams or plans. It goes by, ticking as usual without being fazed by billions of individuals that are rushing to catch a flight, waiting for a job promotion, waiting for a special miracle, waiting for the love of their life or even a moment for them to shine.

Perhaps, with this in mind you will agree that the worst advice that we have always been given since you were born is to follow your passion. When you complain about something that you have done for years because you love doing it but it hasn’t born your desired fruits, you are told, “Follow your passion.”

This is the worst advice you could get or give someone. Why? - Because everybody is passionate about one or more things. You will always love to do something, dream about doing something, or want to do something with your life. That passion is not worth a dime or nickel.

Think about things that you were passionate about at some point in your life. Consider passions that made you think of pursuing a career or establish a company. How comes you did not venture into a career or start a business out of them?

And, if you actually “followed your passion,” is passion what really led you to your current success? Is your success fruit of your passion or effort that you put into what you were doing?

Let’s face it. If you really want to determine your destiny, you must apply the present time and effort. Time is a valuable, yet funny concept. But it must have time for you too. Although you might not be conscious about it, how you use or even don’t use time, it will affect your future.

However, there will be a moment of clarity. This is the time when dots connect, events make sense, pain subsides and you feel that the present moment is your true friend. Time becomes your savior and the much needed wake-up call after doubts, frustrations and confusion.

This is when you realize that all the moments and time that you spent waiting for “your time” was an ultimate waste of time. When even wrong timing favors you by leading you to “your time,” it makes you appreciate timing while reassuring you that time can’t be controlled even when odds favor you.

Perhaps, time is just an abstract notion in our heads. It is basically our conscious perception of it. In fact, time does not change. Only our experiences change, thereby shaping time.

When having awesome moments, time flies. When thinking about the future, when meditating or in a contemplative state, time slows down. When enduring difficult moments, time feels like it lasts forever.

But what’s important is to make sure that time, no matter how conniving, crazy and evil it seems, has time for us. Time must have a breakthrough moment for us. It must provide a span when everything is aligned exactly the way we want so that we can get exactly what we have been waiting for.

Maybe this is what some people call “their time.” But remember this, even if “your moment” or “your time” will come, you must embrace the current time uncertainty for “your time” to come. Do what you can now and time will take time to shape your life and ultimately lead you to your destiny.

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