Thursday, 15 June 2017

Everything You Wanted to Know about SaaS Application

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. It refers to a software delivery and licensing model where the software licensing is based on subscription and hosted online. Some people call it ‘non-demand software’ though it was initially called ‘software plus services’. Basically, SaaS application provides an alternative and a new way to access software as opposed to the traditional access methods.

 In the past, software would be bought outright and eventually loaded onto devices. SaaS on the other hand entails hosting the software in the cloud and allowing subscribers to access it over the internet. This model benefits both individual users and businesses in numerous ways.

Benefits of SaaS application

Over the recent past, SaaS model has been embraced by many businesses and individual users due to the following benefits:

·        Low initial costs

Subscription-based applications do not require license fees. That means they have low initial costs. A SaaS provider is also responsible for the management of the IT infrastructure that the software requires. This lowers the IT costs for the software, hardware, and the people required to manage it.

·        High adoption

Majority of the SaaS apps are compatible with different devices or computers. That means they can be accessed from anywhere, any time. Since many people are familiar with the use of the internet, finding the SaaS application that they need is relatively easier. This combined with the fact that the apps need little or no learning to use has increased their adoption rate.

·        Seamless integration

SaaS vendors that have multi-tenant architectures have the capacity to scale up indefinitely to meet the demands of their customers. Majority of these vendors provide customization capabilities with an aim of meeting the specific needs of customers. Additionally, many offer APIs that allow for the integration of their apps with the existing ERP systems and other productivity systems.

·        Painless upgrades

Since all upgrades and updates are managed by the SaaS provider, users don’t have to download and install patches. Availability management is also the responsibility of the SaaS provider. Thus, customers don’t have to add software, bandwidth, and hardware due to continued growth of the user base.

SaaS examples and applications

Some SaaS applications are already well-known globally.

They include:

·        Cisco WebEx
·        Netflix
·        Salesforce
·        Google Apps
·        Office 365
·        Citrix GoToMeeting

These and other SaaS apps are used by enterprises and individuals to execute the following operations:

·        Invoicing and accounting
·        Planning
·        Tracking sales
·        Communications that include messaging and webmail
·        Performance monitoring 

Today, SaaS apps are a popular choice among many enterprises and business people.

Why SaaS applications are popular

SaaS popularity is increasing at a very fast rate because the model simplifies deployment while reducing the costs of acquisition. Developers support customers using a single version of an app. This is known as multi-tenancy and it allows firms to scale up faster without adding their IT staff or replacing the costly infrastructure. Using SaaS software, companies are offloading the management of non-mission-critical apps like CRM and HR. Additionally, SaaS application pricing model keeps IT budgets consistent with or lower than homegrown or packaged software.

Do you need help with such content? Then get in touch with Bishop Writers right away. We will write unique, original, and superior content for you at a reasonable price. Email us via or visit our website to place an order now.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Lessons that Life Has Taught me So Far

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” This might be a simple quote by Ian McLaren. But, is it? In life, we all have different circumstances, experiences, and expectations. Sometimes, things turn out the way we didn’t expect. And, worst things happen even to the best people for no apparent reason. What’s important though is to learn from every experience, circumstance, and an unexpected outcome.

So, allow me to dive deeper into the lessons that life has taught me, the hard way:

Never Hold onto Rigid Expectations

Once you stop expecting or predicting things to turn out in certain ways, you start appreciating whatever their outcomes are. Basically, the greatest gifts in life are not wrapped in the most obvious or expected ways. Open mindedness and positive attitude have taught me that life isn’t harder or easier than thought. Only that “the hard” and “the easy” are not exactly as anticipated and they usually don’t occur when expected. Basically, this makes life exciting.

The question that we need to ask in whatever situation we find ourselves in is, will we embrace the experience or lesson and grow or will we fight it and eventually fade? Just like I had to accept a breakup with my ex and move on, I have learnt to accept that not all things are meant to be. So, when things fail to turn out as I expected, I face the fact that I was wrong about them all along. Thus, it was simply an illusion and not what I thought. More often, this is usually not an easy realization to accept or live with.

Unexpected Hardships are Helpful and Inevitable

Harvey Mackay said, “Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it”.  And, trust me- life will blindside and hit you harder than anybody or anything else in the world. At times, life will hit you where it hurts the most. But, the question is, do you stop, whine and try to draw attention, or keep moving forward as you get hit?

When there is so much to complain and cry about but you decide to smile and make a forward movement instead, you grow stronger. In fact, some of the best moments in my life have been celebrating achievements that I’ve made after working through hardships and struggles. But, sometimes it feels like everything is falling apart when that’s not actually the case. So, it’s usually whether you control your emotions or they control you. And, once you control your emotions, everything else eventually falls into place.

Pursuing Happiness Means Finding Meaning  

Pursuing happiness is completely different from being happy. But, as long as the sun shines, try to bask in it by every mean. Happy moments are fun-filled and great. Unfortunately, they pass just like time. On the other hand, pursuing happiness is a lifelong affair because happiness is elusive and not based on specific outcomes. What we actually pursue is the meaning of life and leading a meaningful one. And, all starts with “why”.

Why do we do what we do in life?

If the “why” has a meaning, you are definitely pursuing happiness. However, sometimes things go wrong and make you feel barely alive. And sometimes you realize that when you are barely alive you feel better as long as it’s on your terms than when you lead a lifeless existence on someone else’s terms. Pursuit of happiness has ups and downs but there are worthwhile lessons to learn along the way. Simply put, happiness will come easily once you know what you do, why you do it, believe in it, and love it regardless of the outcome or opinions of others. And, in all the confusions of life, strive to be happy because you don’t know the amount of time you have left in this world.

Never Judge Others

We always think that we are sharp at understanding people, what they do, and why they do it. Unfortunately, we are mostly wrong. A co-worker comes late or takes a long lunch break leaving you to do more tasks alone. A person may hurt your feelings or behaves selfishly towards you. In either case, you feel bad about such behaviors. But, picture this- You’re walking in the woods when you come across a small cute dog that looks friendly from a distance. On approaching the pet, it suddenly snarls and attempts to bite you. Does the pet still look cute? You most likely answered no because the pet instills fear and even anger in you. But, once the wind blows and clears leaves from the surrounding ground, you realize that one leg of the pet is caught up in a trap. Naturally, you feel sorry for the pet and realize why it became aggressive towards you.

Same things happen to humans. Therefore, never judge a person without understanding their predicament first. Personally, I wish that those around me could learn to see people in their real light. See people without bias and for who they truly are.

Never Seek Validation from Fellow Humans

Sometimes, we fear rejection or the opinions of others such that we fail to take positive actions when necessary. But, life has taught me that the only person I need to be better than is the person I was yesterday. I should prove myself to myself- not others. Basically, every human is already valuable. Thus, there is no need for validation by others.

We naturally feel great when we get positive feedback. However, this doesn’t happen all the time. And, when positive feedback doesn’t, that shouldn’t be a problem. As long as we know where we are going and what we want to accomplish, opinions of others don’t count. Once you decide to make a difference in your life and lives of your loved ones, there will be naysayers, doubters, and skeptics. Some will reject your efforts and ideas while others will ignore you or try to discourage you. Whatever the case, just step forward confidently, focus beyond them, and do what you have to.

Regrets Hurt than Fears

If you fear loss, you will never achieve anything. That’s because it’s only by taking the risk to lose that you open the door to a possibility of winning. The risk can be participating in a marathon, starting a venture away from home, or even quitting a job to start a business. Some endeavors are quite terrifying and they involve sacrifice, struggle, and risk. But, the question to ask when considering such endeavors is, are the fears stronger than the fear of leading a wasted, meaningless life?

Anybody that has never been called crazy or lost their mind has never followed their heart. And, what makes the difference between “I can’t believe I had the guts to do that” and “I wish I did that” is what you do now. Time is essential and letting it pass is like waving a train that you desperately want to board bye. So, act now and avoid spending your life wondering why you didn’t do what you have a chance to do now.

Parting Short

Life has taught me to live by what Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Every day is a precious gift, a chance to live, learn, and grow. I’m a life’s student. I indulge in life and absorb all knowledge that life brings my way. Sometimes, I lose certain things to gain others or learn some lessons the hard way. And that’s okay with me. After all, hardships are helpful and necessary. But all in all, I strive to be happy, live life to the fullest, and leave something behind for my daughters and sons.

Oh, one more thing. I’ve learnt and come to love country music- Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis in particular. Perhaps, that’s a sign that I’m growing old faster than I thought.

About the Author

Njagi Mugambi is the Founder and CEO of Bishop Writers. Learn more about him from his Google+ Profile.  

Monday, 12 June 2017

Supply Teaching in Skegness and Its Benefits

Before you specialize in supply teaching in Skegness, there are things that you need to know. Basically, the role of supply teachers is to cover for teachers that are absent because of ill health, management duties, or service training. Although most people consider the work of supply teachers difficult, it is satisfying and rewarding. In fact, some teachers have left their permanent teaching jobs to work as supply teachers.

That’s because of the benefits that supply teaching offers. In this post, we discuss some of the key benefits of supply teaching.


Flexibility is among the major benefits of this form of teaching. Working as a supply teacher makes a teacher more flexible. That’s because supply teachers have schedules that allow them to attend to other, important things in life.

As a supply teacher, you enjoy teaching while avoiding the burden of excessive administration or paper work that is involved in permanent teaching. You get reduced responsibilities and workloads. This gives you more flexibility and time to concentrate on preparing and planning lessons more efficiently and effectively. Consequently, you become more passionate about teaching.

Reduced workloads

As hinted, while working as a supply teacher, you also avoid overworking. You plan your schedule better because you are your own boss. You also get a chance to determine if teaching is your ideal career. In case you opt to go back to permanent teaching you will have acquired the necessary teaching experience from different schools in Skegness. If you want to retire from teaching, supply teaching can also be ideal for you. That’s because it enables you to slow down your working pace.

Balanced work life

This form of teaching enables you to balance work-life or even work during part-time hours. There are staff shortages in every school. Pupils that need teaching are increasing by the day. This implies that supply teachers’ opportunities will always be available. Whether you need a daily supply teaching job or a long term supply teaching contract, there are many opportunities that are available for you. And, majority of them allow you to manage how and when you teach.

Nevertheless, it’s important to work with an agency that provides supply teachers training. That’s because training enables you to overcome the challenges that come with supply teaching. Although there are several benefits of this teaching, there are challenges as well.

What are the challenges of supply teaching?

Supply teachers may not know the behavior policy of the new schools where they are requested to teach. They may also have inadequate information about pupils. Others are unable to follow up their work. Picking up on how pupils and teachers do things in new schools is the major challenge for supply teachers.

However, overcoming these challenges becomes easy when you work with a supply teaching agency in Skegness. A good agency ensures that you have a supply teaching document or handbook that guides you on how to perform your duties.

Perhaps, the most important thing to do is to talk to the permanent staff of the school that you are called to teach. Inquire about behavior policies of the school and get vital information about students or pupils. Additionally, befriend some of the permanent teachers in the school. When you become personable to the permanent staff of the school, you will get all the support you need to teach. That way, you will enjoy the full benefits of supply teaching in Skegness.

Need help with such content? Then get in touch with Bishop Writers now. Email us via or visit for details. 

Great Trends of Wedding Photography in Kent and UK

Wedding photographers in UK ensure that wedding couples have unique and quality photos that make their weddings the most memorable events in their lives. Regardless of how well you plan your wedding, it will last for just a single day. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced wedding photographer capture those special moments of your life. Basically, it’s the responsibility of your wedding photographer to capture every special moment of this day in quality photos.

Brilliant wedding shoot ideas make a wedding last forever. That’s why you should have a photographer that knows what it takes to capture the feel and taste of a wedding in quality photos. With unique wedding photography ideas, your photographer will create a special and unique photographic effect for this day.  

Latest Wedding Photography Trends

Currently, there are various trends in wedding photography from which you can choose how your wedding will be photographed.

Here are some of them:

Photo booths photography

Photo booths are now a popular trend in wedding photography. These are ideal for people that wish to create an amazing wedding portfolio. Photo booths enable guests to pose for photos in make-believe settings.

Pre- and post-wedding photography

Another trend is the pre- and post-wedding photography. Pre-wedding photography might not be a relatively new trend among many people. However, post-wedding photography is a new trend to most people. Post-wedding photography is a trend that is slowly gaining momentum. It is a trash-the-dress trend in which the bride is seen in her wedding dress as she walks towards the ocean or rolling on mud. The trend demonstrates that the dress was meant for use once. Currently, morning-after shots can be seen competing with prenuptial shots.

Unplugged wedding

This is another popular trend in wedding photography. It’s ideal for a couple that doesn’t want to include the media. It entails selecting a venue on the basis of its religious presence or beauty. Guests are required to surrender their cell phones at the entrance. Only the couple’s photographer is allowed to take photos. This enables the couple to control the process of recording images of the wedding. 


Other trends in wedding photography in Kent and different parts of the United Kingdom include candid shots, rustic woodland and formal portraiture. Candid shots allow the photographer to record perfect images that the wedding couple can preserve for their posterity. Woodland shots capture the details of artfully arranged and natural settings. A formal portraiture depicts the bride in her straightforward, serious, and calm but lovely look.

There is also the social media trend which welcomes Pinterest and Instagram albums. Regardless of the trend that you opt for, remember that wedding photos are great keepsakes. Therefore, adapt a trend that suits you and your style so that you can have a great wedding portfolio.  

Need help to write such content for your blog or website? Then get in touch with Bishop Writers. Email us via or visit for more information. 

Best Dollhouse for Toddlers- Give Toddlers the Best Playtime Experience with Dollhouses

Getting a dollhouse for toddlers is like a passage rite for children. Maybe you think your child is too little to start playing with a dollhouse. That’s because it is usually associated with older children. The truth is that it will not take long before imagination takes over your child. A dollhouse is typically the playtime stable for a child during toddlerhood. However, it amuses the child more as they grow.

Buying a good dollhouse for your toddler ensures that they have a piece that entertains them for many years to come. A dollhouse enhances creativity while improving the communication skills of a toddler. A good dollhouse also offers a safe place where toddlers can practice their problem-solving skills. As such, consider a dollhouse as a must-have item for your toddler.

Modern dollhouses for toddlers

In the past, there were big dollhouses that came with shingles. They were pretty for kids because they had an amazing aura. Others were made of plastics. However, these have been replaced by innovative, modern dollhouses. When buying a toddler’s doll house, consider cool, modern dollhouses that are designed specifically for toddlers. You can find a modern dollhouse for your toddler that is synchronized with your unique, personal aesthetic features. Such a dollhouse can have crisp lines and unique styling.

Eco-friendly toddler dollhouses

It’s now easy to find a dollhouse for toddlers that are made using eco-friendly materials with environmental friendly design features. Apart from using natural and recycled materials, such dollhouses instill normalcy of energy efficient practices in toddlers while making them eco-conscious as they grow. An eco-friendly dollhouse can be made with eco-conscious features such as solar panels, sustainable materials that include birch plywood and renewable bamboo flooring.

Comprehensive furnishing

You can find a dollhouse that comes with all furniture pieces that toddlers are always interested in. A toddler dollhouse that comes with major furniture sets is not only fun for a toddler to play with. It also saves money that would be spent buying these furniture sets in the future. With modern toddlers’ dollhouses, there are endless possibilities in terms of furnishing. For instance, you can find a dollhouse with different furniture sets ranging from coffee tables and sofas for the family room to playpens and bassinets for nurseries.

Personalized dollhouses

It’s possible to have a personalized dollhouse for your toddler. Apart from using furniture to personalize your toddler’s dollhouse, you can use décor to give the house a more personalized flair. A house can also be spiced up with items like tiny rugs, plants, and wall art. It can also include appliances like microwaves and TVs, although you may need to upgrade the items in the dollhouse as your child grows. These items are ideal for ensuring that a child enjoys a real playtime.

Generally, you have many options when it comes to giving your toddler the best play-time experience with a dollhouse. You just need to buy a fully functional, modern dollhouse for toddlers with features like windows, doors, shutters, glittery roof as well as the major furniture sets.

This is one of the many sample blog posts that you will find on this blog. There are many more on varied topics, written in different styles. For blog writing help, web content writing or social media posts writing assistance, get in touch with Bishop Writers. Email us via or visit our website for more information. 

Enlist the Best Irrigation Repairs in Victoria to Establish a Beautiful Yard

With the best irrigation repairs in Victoria, your sprinklers will always function efficiently during summer when your crop, lawn, or garden needs water most. The norm has always been to turn water as well as the timer on and your irrigation system functions properly, irrigating your crops or lawn. However, your irrigation system may develop a problem or require upgrading when the older system becomes worn out or less effective. That’s when you need irrigation system experts to fix, maintain, or fix your watering system.

When are irrigation repairs necessary?

Perhaps, your current irrigation system needs an upgrade because some of its parts are worn out. Maybe you are losing a lot of water due to damages in your lawn watering system. The watering equipment may have also been damaged by freezing temperatures during winter. Your sprinkler head or pipe may have cracked or punctured. All these are situations that necessitate irrigation system repairs. With the help of a watering system expert, you can have a wide range of problems that affect the performance and efficiency of your irrigation system fixed professionally. Your irrigation system should water plants or lawns in an effective, efficient, and organized manner. It should also save you money and time when doing so.

Once you enlist the service of a reputable sprinkler company, a watering system expert will be sent to your property immediately to fix the problem. Watering systems’ experts perform several tests including backflow testing in Victoria to ensure that the system is functioning properly before they leave your property. Once the problem has been fixed, the time that your system takes to water your plants or lawn will be reduced significantly. You will also have more time to spend on important activities as the irrigation system waters your crops or lawn. Remember that even new and properly-maintained sprinklers or irrigation systems require renovations and repairs.

Upgrade your watering system

Perhaps, you are expanding your garden or maybe your old watering system is no longer functioning properly or efficiently. In that case, you should consider upgrading it. For instance, you can replace the sprinkler heads to enable the system to save more water. You can also invest in a watering system that is designed specifically for your property or yard to reduce your overall energy bills.

Establish a beautiful yard while saving money

With the help of irrigation system experts, you can establish a beautiful yard by ensuring proper watering of your garden throughout. That’s because the experts will guide you from planning to designing and installation of your irrigation system. They will also ensure that you have an irrigation system that waters your crops in the most efficient and effective manner. Additionally, the experts will provide a maintenance plan on the basis of the set up of your irrigation system. Thus, you will no longer have to worry about irrigation repairs in Victoria because possible problems will be detected and fixed in a timely manner.

A well-maintained irrigation system will irrigate your yard or garden efficiently including flower beds, hanging baskets, hedges, green houses, planters and pots, ground cover, vegetables, raised beds, shrubs and trees as well as lawns.

Need help to write such content for your website or blog? Then get in touch with Bishop Writers right away. Send us an email on or visit to place an order for your content.  

Friday, 2 June 2017

Billion Dollar Companies that Were Initially Called Stupid Ideas

Let’s face it- Some people will never try anything of their own. They complacently and reluctantly rest in their comfort zone. Others suffer from paralysis of analysis which hinders them from trying out anything. They analyze every venture that crosses their mind and eventually give up on it after many hours of analysis. But, that’s not the point of this post. This post focuses on ventures that have grown into multi-billion dollar businesses even after skeptics, naysayers, and doubters called them stupid ideas.

Maybe you have come across such people that will tell you not to do something, or you should not do it, or you are about to waste your time. They call any idea that you share with them stupid, infeasible, or simply a way to waste money. And, once you start they will call your product or service crap. But, can you blame them?

Every entrepreneur is generally filled with self-doubt. And, it’s natural to question your reasons for risking your hard-earned money, time, or even your safe, full-time job for a venture that doesn’t guarantee amazing returns. However, you won’t know if a venture will be successful until you try it out. And, some ventures require that you give them your all.

When faced with self-doubts, it’s time to read about multi-billion dollar companies that were first called stupid ideas.

Here is a list of such companies:

1.     Uber

Uber is perhaps, the latest innovation in the transport industry. Many people have described its service as useful, innovative, exciting, and convenient. But, it had its fair share of challenges when starting up. People called it a stupid idea while others foresaw an end to its monopoly. For instance, check the comment by Artiesewell at the bottom of this post. Similar sentiments were expressed by Erok54 on this post.

2.     Instagram

An ex-Googler founded Instagram. At first, Instagram was a location-based mobile app. But, some people saw the idea of starting Instagram as a stupid one. In fact, one person called on Silicon Valley VCs to fund real businesses that have real business models with lasting value to the economy. See the comment by Shayne here.

Another person called Instagram a plug-in that was meant for cameras that have filters already. Read the comment by Zippydirtbag at the bottom of this post.

3.     Pinterest

Launched in March 2010, Pinterest closed one round for $10M in 2011 and a second, larger one for $27M in October 2011. Today, this is a multi-billion dollar firm. However, it had its fair share of nay says and doubts too. Some people called investors in Pinterest gullible, terming the idea as stupid. Follow this link for the comment by Darth Doccoro at the bottom of the post.  In the same post, Vincent Kinon considered Pinterest’s funding quite massive for a sophisticated bookmarking system.

4.     Twitter

When Odeo announced that it would launch Twitter in 2006, naysayers, skeptics, and doubters were all over saying how useless the idea was. After reading this post, Dom for instance used the term NEVER in capital letters to insist that Twitter would never catch at the comment section. AJ commenting on the same post said that Twitter was not focused and innovative. Michael commented that hosting a big BBQ party may have been a better way to spend the money that was invested in Twitter.

Generally, there will always be people that will discourage you from doing what you consider a brilliant venture. So, follow your passion and gut. But, though it’s easy to laugh at the comments that were made when these companies were starting up, many startups don’t always have it easy. That means there is a lesson to learn here. But, provided you are confident, resilient, and hardworking, you will most likely accomplish your dreams. Just focus on what you want to do and do it your best.

Article by Henry Mugambi- CEO and Founder of Bishop Writers

Unveiling the Shades of Beauty: A Tribute to Skin Color

Empower yourself with the beauty of the skin color. Embrace the radiant hues and celebrate the unique beauty found in every shade. Depending...